Marcos Valeta

Marketing Project Management Innovation Technology Creativity Production

Marcos Valeta

Marketing Project Management Innovation Technology Creativity Production


        I am a professional passionate about marketing, advertising, project management and any creative environment. I do love what I do and it has been happening for the last 17 years since I started working for and advertising agency in Brazil, besides the time I was a teenager helping my cousin with the marketing of his gym, but this is another story.

        My most recent working experiences were at Google Brazil. At the moment I’m I’ve been living in the San Francisco Bay Area, in the United States and I’m a  Program Manager/Producer, via Adecco, for the Google Experience Studio. At first I as working as a in house consultant  for the marketing area with my own company and then at The Zoo, a special area focused to bring Google products magic to strategic clients, acting mainly as Product Marketing Manager and Project Manager. Over these last 17 years I have worked for some of the most recognized agencies on the world such as Rapp, Ogilvy and Africa, where my role was focused on project management. I also spent some time working for Aussie Hands, an Australian foundation, as Strategic Manager while I was living abroad.

        In 2014 I launched a non-profitable project sport called ‘Além do Kiai’ (Beyond the Kiai) aiming to help Karate athletes who cannot afford the fee for competitions or even do not have a properly apparel for training. The other goal we have with this project is to spread Karate over Brazil and motivate people to join any kind of sport via content development. In 2019 we had a great experience working in partnership with the Brazilian Karate Federation and we had a chance to work as accredited press in the Pan-American Games, in Lima, Peru.

        In 2015 I was invited to be part of a pioneer initiative from MestreGP  and help them to create the first course in Brazil focused on project management for advertising and marketing market in Brazil, where I was a teacher for 4 years…

        If you like to have some more information about my whole experience, please click on this link and check my resume.



Silver - Missing Children/ Mães da Sé
Bronze - Bluetooth Diaper Alert/ Hipoglos
Shortlist - The Buddy Cup/ Budweiser
Shortlist - Dream Remote/ Brahma


Echo - Lead - Operation Smile/ Pepsi


Silver - Missing Children/ Mães da Sé


Silver - Video Call/ Anhanguera University


Gold - Operation Smile/ Pepsi Bronze - Halloween/ Pepsi


Silver - Being More David/ Ogilvy


Echo - Lead - Operation Smile/ Pepsi


Shortlist - Bubbles/ Roche Shortlist - Green Antenna


ESCOLA CUCA | Creative School

Feb, 2016

Invited teacher for the Creative Course to talk about creativity and project management process. The subject addressed was "From the ideia to the real life.

ESCOLA CUCA | Creative School

Jan, 2016

Special guest being part of the panel for apprisal of final assement project regarding creativity, strategy and project management.

MESTRE GP | Project Management School

Oct - Nov, 2015

As founder teacher being part of the second edition of project management course focused on marketing and advertising in Brazil.


Jun, 2015

Lecture for the post-graduation course in Digital Design. The subject addressed was "How to deal and understand results"

MESTRE GP | Project Management School

Apr - May, 2015

One of founders teachers for the very first project management course in Brazil a hundred percent focused on marketing and andevertising.


Oct, 2014

As founder of a non-profitable project related to Karate, the topic addressed was Marketing and Martial Arts.


Sep, 2013

For the second time invited as special lecturer to talk about innovation projects and present the project Missing Children, which was awarded during the Cannes Festival in 2013.


Rolar para cima

Buddy Cup

10 years Google Brazil

Olympics 2016

Selfie Porta dos Fundos

Playtags - Google Beacons Bullet

Missing Children

Makeup Machine

Rock Snooze

TwitterBall ESPN

Youtube Edu